About The Retardation

Dont you understand that the piercings, tatoos, shirts you are wearing is a uniphorm? While you stand here looking stupid, smiling that youre proud to be in that scene you think you are in. You are a ignorant a fucking mindless ignorant brainwashed by the music you are listening copying their opinions, without a critical point of view. You are a fucking lamb, a product a victim of some trend because your cool friends also do. Mixed with stupid ideals of some dickhead your sober point of view started retarding. And so i see you there on a gig poiting finger on other people, laughting them of behind their back (actually they can be nice persons), punching other peoples because their religion, politic, lifestyle or music didnt match to your opinions. Being proud to be hardcore or punk but not proud to be a human. The retardation is complete! Your older but your brain is in the age when it was retarding. You are a retarded kid. Sadly you are not alone. The scene is full of retarded kids.